Har du frågor om topplistor, kanske du hittar svar här.
Why can't I see the sweepstake configuration in the leaderboard?
You need at least the same or more players in the league as the pot split.
If the league pot split is 3, you will need at least 3 players in the league for the configuration
to appear in the leaderboard.

Why do I not appear in the overall leaderboard?
- You made yourself a private player when you registered
- Private players do not appear in the overall leaderboard
- Go to your profile and make yourself a public player
Why is the leaderboard not up-to-date?
Building the leaderboard is not an automatic operation.
A leaderboard build is usually done after every game.
So if you see that the number of your predictions are not
the same as the PL column, don't worry, it will sync during the next build.
This is also true for missings players. A build takes about 2 minutes.
Keep an eye on the 'Last Updated' date/time value in the footer of the leaderboard.
I can't see a league player in the overall leaderboard?
The league player may have made himself private when he registered
- Private players do not appear in the overall leaderboard
Or the player has not logged into the site this year, only active players appear in leaderboards
I can't see a league player in the league leaderboard?
- The player has not logged into the site this year
- Only active players appear in leaderboards
How do I see my league leaderboard?
- Your sweepstake configuration will be seen on the league leaderboard.
- LOG ON to this website
- Click the LEADERBOARD ICON in the main menu
- Click the OVERALL button on the leaderboard page.
- CHOOSE your league from the drop down options

How do I filter the overall leaderboard to only show players from my league?
- LOG ON to this website
- Click the LEADERBOARD ICON in the main menu
- Locate the SEACH BOX on the leaderboard page.
- Make sure the search category is set to LEAGUE
- Type in the NAME of your league
- Click GO

How do I filter the overall leaderboard to only show players from Norway?
- LOG ON to this website
- Click the LEADERBOARD ICON in the main menu
- Locate the SEACH BOX on the leaderboard page.
- Make sure the search category is set to NATIONALITY
- Type in Norway
- Click GO

How do I filter the overall leaderboard to only show players who predicted England?
- LOG ON to this website
- Click the LEADERBOARD ICON in the main menu
- Locate the SEACH BOX on the leaderboard page.
- Make sure the search category is set to PREDICTION
- Type in England
- Click GO

How do I find myself on the overall leaderboard, it is so big?
- LOG ON to this website
- Click the LEADERBOARD ICON in the main menu
- Locate the SEACH BOX on the leaderboard page.
- Make sure the search category is set to PLAYERS
- Type in your first or last name
- Click GO

Is it possible to just show the leaderboard on a big screen without the header?
Yes. Once you have selected the required league leaderboad, press the Print button below the leaderboard.