English Premier League Predictor


Często Zadawane Pytania

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Często Zadawane Pytania: Kliknij pytanie, aby wyświetlić odpowiedź.


Pomoc we wszystkich sprawach związanych z ligami.

Jak dołączyć do ligi, gdy nie pamiętam nazwy ligi?
  1. Kliknij ikonę PROFILU w prawym górnym rogu
  2. Kliknij ZARZĄDZAJ w obszarze Zarządzaj ligami
  3. Kliknij przycisk PONOWNIE DOŁĄCZ LIGĘ
  4. Wybierz LEAGUE, z którego chcesz ponownie dołączyć, z listy. UWAGA: Nie musisz podawać hasła, ponieważ byłeś wcześniej członkiem.
  5. Kliknij DOŁĄCZ
How do I join a league?
  1. REGISTER on this website
  2. Click your PROFILE ICON in the top right corner
  3. Click MANAGE in the Manage Leagues area
  4. Click the JOIN LEAGUE button
  5. Select the LEAGUE you want to join from the drop down
  6. If the league is private, you will have to enter the PASSWORD that the league owner send you
  7. Click JOIN
How do I create a league?

  • TIP: Do not use league names like 'World Cup 2018', when you come back for the next tournament, that name won't make sense. Choose a reusable name like 'The Jersey Boys'.

  1. REGISTER on this website
  2. Click your PROFILE ICON in the top right corner
  3. Click MANAGE in the Manage Leagues area
  4. Click the CREATE LEAGUE button
  5. Provide the league with a NAME
  6. Provide the league NATIONALITY, this determines the sweepstake currency (if used)
  7. It is recommended to keep your league PRIVATE so only invited guests can join.
  8. Provide a league PASSWORD. Keep it simple for all the players to remember ie JACK or a pin 1234
  9. Click SAVE, you are now the owner of your very own league
  10. EMAIL all your friends the password for the league
How do I create a sweepstake league?
  1. REGISTER on this website
  2. Click your PROFILE ICON in the top right corner
  3. Click MANAGE in the Manage Leagues area
  4. Click the CREATE LEAGUE button
  5. Provide the league with a NAME
  6. Provide the league NATIONALITY, this determines the sweepstake currency
  7. Click the PRIVATE toggle button, the label changes to Private (recommended)
  8. Provide a league PASSWORD. Keep it simple for all the players to remember ie JACK or a pin 1234
  9. Click the SWEEPSTAKE toggle button, the message changes to Sweepstake
  10. Provide the JOINING FEE (The amount of money you are going to take from each player to join the league)
  11. Provide the POT SPLIT (The number of players you are going to split the pot of money with)
  12. Click SAVE, you are now the owner of your very own sweepstake league
  13. EMAIL all your friends the password for the league

Kim jest właściciel ligi?

Gracz, który tworzy ligę, jest jej właścicielem.

Can I change my league to be a sweepstake league?
  • Yes
    • You have to be the league owner
    • The league has to be private
  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click your PROFILE ICON in the top right corner
  3. Click MANAGE in the Manage Leagues area
  4. Click the EDIT LEAGUE button
  5. Click the sweepstake TOGGLE button to sweepstake
  6. Enter the JOINING FEE
  7. Enter the POT SPLIT
  8. If the league is public, you will have to make it PRIVATE and create a league PASSWORD
  9. Click SAVE

How many players can join my league with or without a sweepstake?

There is no limitation on how many players can join a league.

How do I remove unwanted players from my league?

In future, to keep unwanted players from joining your league, make your league private.

NOTE: You must be the league owner to do this

  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click your PROFILE ICON in the top right corner
  3. Click MANAGE in the Manage Leagues area
  4. Click the EDIT LEAGUE button
  5. Click UPDATE in the players area
  6. Click the TOGGLE button next to the player you want to remove
  7. Click the REMOVE button at bottom of the page
  8. Click OK to confirm the action
  9. Player is removed from your league
How do I make my league private?

Having a private league prevents unwanted players from joining your league.

Private leagues are the recommended types of leagues to have.

NOTE: You must be the league owner to do this

  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click your PROFILE ICON in the top right corner
  3. Click MANAGE in the Manage Leagues area
  4. Click EDIT LEAGUE
  5. In the accessibility area, click the PUBLIC TOGGLE BUTTON till it reads 'Private (recommended)'
  6. Give your league a PASSWORD
    • Keep this password simple and easy to remember ie JACK or a pin 1234
  7. Click the SAVE, your league is now private
  8. EMAIL all your friends the password
How many leagues can I be a member of?

You can be a member of multiple leagues, there is no limitation. Simply go to the Manage Leagues area in your profile and create or join as many leagues as you want.

How do I send a link to my friends to make it easy for them to join my league?
  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click the PROFILE ICON in the top right corner
  4. Click the LEAGUE DETAILS button
  5. Look in the LEAGUE DETAILS section and take note of the Id
  6. So if your league has an Id of 495, send the following LINK to your friends:
    https:// worldcupfootballpredictor.co.uk /Pools/Join/495
    • Remember and send them the password
I have a sweepstake set up for my league, how can I keep track of who has paid their joining fee?

Go to 'Manage Leagues' and under the sweepstake area, click on the 'Enable Tracker' link. IMPORTANT: Your sweepstake must be enabled before the 'Enable Tracker' link appears.

How do I change the currency of my sweepstake?

The sweepstake currency is dependant on the league nationality. Just change the league nationality to the country who's currency you wish to use.

  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click the PROFILE ICON in the top right corner
  4. Click the EDIT LEAGUE button
  5. Go to the LEAGUE DETAILS section and change the NATIONALITY of the league
  6. Click SAVE
Is there a timescale for joining or creating leagues?

No. You can join or create a league at any time.

Często Zadawane Pytania


Masz pytania dotyczące tabel wyników, możesz znaleźć odpowiedzi tutaj.

Why can't I see the sweepstake configuration in the leaderboard?

You need at least the same or more players in the league as the pot split. If the league pot split is 3, you will need at least 3 players in the league for the configuration to appear in the leaderboard.

Why do I not appear in the overall leaderboard?
  • You made yourself a private player when you registered
  • Private players do not appear in the overall leaderboard
  • Go to your profile and make yourself a public player
Why is the leaderboard not up-to-date?

Building the leaderboard is not an automatic operation. A leaderboard build is usually done after every game. So if you see that the number of your predictions are not the same as the PL column, don't worry, it will sync during the next build. This is also true for missings players. A build takes about 2 minutes. Keep an eye on the 'Last Updated' date/time value in the footer of the leaderboard.

I can't see a league player in the overall leaderboard?
  • The league player may have made himself private when he registered
  • Private players do not appear in the overall leaderboard
  • Or the player has not logged into the site this year, only active players appear in leaderboards
I can't see a league player in the league leaderboard?
  • The player has not logged into the site this year
  • Only active players appear in leaderboards
How do I see my league leaderboard?
  • Your sweepstake configuration will be seen on the league leaderboard.
  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click the LEADERBOARD ICON in the main menu
  3. Click the OVERALL button on the leaderboard page.
  4. CHOOSE your league from the drop down options

How do I filter the overall leaderboard to only show players from my league?
  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click the LEADERBOARD ICON in the main menu
  3. Locate the SEACH BOX on the leaderboard page.
  4. Make sure the search category is set to LEAGUE
  5. Type in the NAME of your league
  6. Click GO

How do I filter the overall leaderboard to only show players from Norway?
  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click the LEADERBOARD ICON in the main menu
  3. Locate the SEACH BOX on the leaderboard page.
  4. Make sure the search category is set to NATIONALITY
  5. Type in Norway
  6. Click GO

How do I filter the overall leaderboard to only show players who predicted England?
  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click the LEADERBOARD ICON in the main menu
  3. Locate the SEACH BOX on the leaderboard page.
  4. Make sure the search category is set to PREDICTION
  5. Type in England
  6. Click GO

How do I find myself on the overall leaderboard, it is so big?
  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click the LEADERBOARD ICON in the main menu
  3. Locate the SEACH BOX on the leaderboard page.
  4. Make sure the search category is set to PLAYERS
  5. Type in your first or last name
  6. Click GO

Is it possible to just show the leaderboard on a big screen without the header?

Yes. Once you have selected the required league leaderboad, press the Print button below the leaderboard.


Podstawowe rzeczy o graczach.

Co to jest aktywny gracz?
  • Gracz, który zalogował się na stronie w tym roku
  • Tylko aktywni gracze pojawiają się w tabelach wyników
  • Losowanie tabeli wyników jest obliczane przy użyciu aktywnych graczy
    • tzn. jeśli opłata za dołączenie do ligi wynosi 5 zł i w lidze jest 12 graczy, ale aktywnych jest tylko 10 graczy, to pula ligowa wyniesie 50 zł
Do czego służy znaczek na ikonie mojego profilu?

Odznaka zawiera całkowitą liczbę punktów. To nie jest element klikalny.


Kilka wskazówek, jak zacząć przewidywania.

How do I enter my predictions?

  • TIP: Keep your eye on the group standings after you have entered your predictions to see how the teams are placed, then tweek your predictions till the standings look the way you want it to look.

  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click the PREDICTIONS ICON in the main menu
  3. You will automatically enter GROUP A, so start placing your predictions into the boxes
  4. Click SAVE
  5. Next, click GROUP B and enter your predictions for that group
  6. Click SAVE and so on
  7. Remember and use your JOKER in every group. You can use one joker per group. A joker will double your points for that game
How do I use my jokers?

You have the ability to use one joker per group ie Group A, Last 16, Semi-Final.

Playing your joker will give you double points for that game.

TIP: Play your joker when the best team plays the worst team, that will increase your chances of success.

  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click the PREDICTIONS ICON in the main menu
  3. Click the jesters hat that is between the home and away scores. The joker will only be accepted if you enter a score for that game.
  4. Click SAVE
Why did I have to predict a tournament winner when I registered?

If you manage to successfully pick the tournament winner, you will receive extra points for the final. To see how many extra points, go to your profile and click Zarządzać Prognoza. The points you will receive are based on the team odds as set by William Hill. If your predicted team gets knocked out in the group stages, you can pick another team before the last 16 kicks off.

Końcowe punkty według przykładu

Do I have to put all my predictions in for the group phase all at once, or can I do it on a game by game basis?

All predictions are done on a game by games basis. So, you do not have to put all your group phase or knockout phase predictions in all at once. Keep in mind that all knockout phase predictions are hidden until kickoff.

Are my knockout predictions based on the normal time for a game or is extra time included?

Your predictions shall include extra time. Example: If you predict 2-1, and then after extra time the game finishes 2-1, you will get 3 points.

Can I change my winner prediction, and where do I do this?

Yes you can change your winner prediction, but you only have until the last 16 kicks off to do it. Here is how to change your winner prediction:

  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click the PROFILE ICON in the top right hand corner
  3. Scroll down to the MANAGE PREDICTION section and click UPDATE
  4. Click on the team who you think is going to win the tournament
  5. Click SAVE


Ogólne bity i boby.

I'm on holiday and want the kick-off times to change to my new location
  1. LOG ON to this website
  2. Click the PROFILE ICON in the top right corner
  3. Go to the PROFILE section and click UPDATE
  4. Change the TIME ZONE to your new location
  5. Click SAVE
  6. All kick-off times will change to your new location
Can I syncronise my google account with my local account?

Yes. (video on the home page)

  1. LOG ON to this site using your GOOGLE account
  2. Click your PROFILE ICON in the top right corner
  4. Type in the PASSWORD you wish to use for this site
  5. Click SAVE
  6. You will now be able to log on using your google or your local account
Can I syncronise my local account with my google account?

Yes. (video on the home page)

  1. LOG ON to this site using your local account
  2. Click your PROFILE ICON in the top right corner
  3. Click MANAGE in the Manage External Logins section
  4. Click the GOOGLE button
  5. Choose your GOOGLE ACCOUNT
  6. 1 appears next to the Manage link (1 Manage)
  7. Your local and external accounts are now syncronised
  8. You will now be able to log on using your google or your local account